Comedy is a genre of film in which the main emphasis is on humour. These films are designed to entertain the audience through amusement, and most often work by exaggerating characteristics for humorous effect. Films in this style traditionally have a happy ending (the black comedy being an exception).
Comedy is one of the oldest genres in film. It goes back to times before the first 'talkie' was made as Charlie Chaplin was famous for adding humour to his performances by using a variety of slapstick and wild facial expressions to indicate humour.
Elements of Comedy:
- Slapstick: The exaggeration of physical violence to the point where it becomes humourous
-Comic timing: The pace or delivery of a joke to enhance the humour
- Pregnant Pause: Used by building the suspense of a situation to accentuate a comedic element
In more modern comedy films there is an abundance of mocking famous scenes from other movies or typical movie cliches
'A film or play that deals with love in a light, humorous way'
- Over the top music
- Diegetic sound used: 'One-liners'
Mise en scene
- Flamboiant clothing used with bright colours to symbolize an out of the ordinary character.
- Abundance of lighting
- Shot-reverse shot to show the reactions of characters to something funny
-Close-ups for exaggeration
- Exaggerated camera movements to add humour
- Pan to set up comedic setting
Love Actually
The screenplay delves into different aspects of love as shown through ten separate stories involving a wide variety of individuals, many of whom are shown to be interlinked as their tales progress. Set primarily in London, the story begins five weeks before Christmas and is played out in a weekly countdown until the holiday.
Some brief examples of Romantic Comedy films
Knocked Up
It follows the repercussions of a drunken one-night stand between a slacker and a just-promoted media personality that results in an unintended pregnancy.
Sex and the City
About the lives of four women dealing with their single lives in New York City.
Romantic comedy films are a certain genre of comedy films as well as of romance films, and may also have elements of screwball comedies and stoner comedies. Some television series can also be classified as romantic comedies.
In a typical romantic comedy the two lovers tend to be young, likeable, and apparently meant for each other, yet they are kept apart by some complicating circumstance (e.g., class differences, parental interference; a previous girlfriend or boyfriend) until, surmounting all obstacles, they are finally wed. A wedding-bells, fairy-tale-style happy ending is practically mandatory.
Every Romantic - comedy film will base their plot on these conventions in order to reach their target audience
What are the different types of comedy?
Parody is where a work deliberately mimmicks the style of another for comic effect or ridicule.
Spoof is light parody or gentle imitation. Is it not necessarily intended to ridicule or make fun of the thing being spoofed but the comedy happens in the recognition of the piece being spoofed. For instance, a woman in glasses with tied up hair who is obviously beautiful anyway takes off her glasses and then unties her hair and shakes it loose. As she does, her wig falls off. We all recognise the Hollywpood moment and so this is funny not just because her wig falls off but we are fully aware of the reference and know that usually this is not supposed to happen.
Satire is where a section of society or politics is deliberately mimicked and mocked in order to poke fun at them and point criticism using humour. e.g. Catch-22 is a satire of war.
Irony is where the opposite of what is expected happens or where someone says the opposite of what they mean. The lack of harmony between something that is expected and the reality (so if you moved jobs from being a dustman to being in a bank but were being paid less then some would point out a certain irony.)
sarcasm is where an insult or quick remark is fired at someone with the intention of causing injury. It is often used in repsonse to an initial statement or comment in order to pour scorn on the stated idea or statement. Sarcasm often features irony (for instance, someone drops a tray and someone else shouts "Ooh, that was SO clever.")
This is where comedy is achieved through exaggeration and extreme characters in preposterous circumstances that seem to spiral out of control and become ever more ludicrous.
Black comedy
This is a dark comedy where a light humored touch is applied to very dark and serious subject matter in order to ease the pain or make some specific point by juxtaposing the humour and the sadness.
Throwing together completely disjointed concepts and random ideas to weave together something bizarre. (I once heard a very funny stand up comedian come out with: "Suppose you're a fish... (pause) how the f*** you suppsoed to get to the airport?... (pause) They don't make rivers go that way."