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G324 - Advanced Portfolio
George Pearson
Mossbourne Community Academy
Candidate number:5150
GSD Productions
Page Title
Independent music (often shortened to indie music or indie) is music produced independently from major commercial record labels or their subsidiaries, a process that may include an autonomous, do-it-yourself approach to recording and publishing.
Our A2 coursework conforms to this genre. We chose this as there is less boundaries and restrictions to our style of music video. The genre makes it easier to be flexible in our work.
What do indie artists look like?
Mise en scene:
In this video it is clear to observe the autonomous style that the artists are indulging in as they are wearing clothes that are subverting the traditional style of male garments. The unique style is shown as this video does not conform to any norms of a band music video which is evident in the use of the treadmill.
OK Go - Here it goes again
The verve - Bittersweet Symphony
Camera movement:
The camera movement shows how the artists does not conform to societies norms as he ignores the pedestrians sign as well as bumping into an old lady. This creates the autonomous style that we associate with the Indie genre. This represents the care free attitude of the artist which promotes his individuality.
Pace and longevity of shots is crucial to get the mood of the video across to the audience. Filters are used to create an old feeling to the video. This is common in the Indie rock genre. Special effects are also evident in the music videos to create an unusual effect that does not conform to societies norms. This adds interest to the video as it is unique and therefore memorable.
Lyrics are predominantly based around a relationship situation e.g. Boy wants girl after breakup or vice versa. Narrative is present usually that targets as break up situation and this cuts in and out of shots of the band or group in a live performance where the real instruments can be heard. Occasionally effects placed over the sound of singing to add an autonomous feel to the song.
The Kooks - Naive
This video shows how indie groups choose to follow a narrative in relation to the song lyrics
Indie Genre: Setting and performance:
Lyrics in Indie songs tend to be inventive and applicable to peoples lives. They mainly opt to choose lyrics about love and heartbreak as it carries meaning behind it.
The Dream Synopsis - The last shadow Puppets Lyrics
'Well we were kissing
It was secret
We'd had to sneak beyond the kitchen
Both well aware that there'd be trouble
If the manager should find us
You'd got a leaning tower of pint pots in your hand
You can carry much more than I can'
Indie Lyrics analysis
Lyrics video - Dream Synopsis
The lyrics here portray a night out with a girl as though describing a story to some friends. However, the artists have made it into a song which is a common theme amongst indie artists. As the premise of Indie lyrics is to portray an independent style it seems coherent to choose this style of song writing in the Indie music genre.
Performance and narrative
In some cases indie music videos do not to follow a specific narrative that relates to the lyrics. They will instead show many long takes of the band or artist singing which does not conform to the lyrics that are being portrayed.
Kings Of Leon - Pyro
Camera movement
Video is predominantly using a tracking shot to follow the protagonist
Panoramas to the side view of the protagonist show the surroundings which establishes a perception of the video.
Camera movement opts to show the viewpoint of the protagonist. The fact he is looking around suggests that he is in unfamiliar surroundings and thus, he feels uncomfortable. This attempts to portray to the audience that something bad may happen.
Slow motion shows the brutality of the beatings. It emphasises the beat of the song as well as the slow fall corresponds to the lengthy vocals.
Editing is on beat making the video more applicable to the audience and they therefore become more engaged in the song. There are variations between long and short takes which emphasise the style of the song. The editing is attempting to portray a theme of heartbreak to the audience whilst complying to the beat of the song.
Relationship between lyrics and visuals
'Everything I cherish is slowly dying or it's gone
Little shaken babies and drunkards seem to all agree
Once the show gets started it's bound to be a sight to see'
'I, I won't ever be your cornerstone'
'Bury all the pictures and tell the kids that I'm okay
If'n I'm forgotten you'll remember me for today'
Links to the constant images of the protagonist being beaten up by drunk people. The words 'dying' and then 'drunkards seem to all agree' relates to the drunk people supporting the protagonists demise.
When the protagonist stands up for the women this relates to the 'cornerstone' idea.
Relates to the idea of heartache that appears to be a theme for the majority of the video. It also creates a feeling of regret and that something bad is about to happen
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